Day 4 – What Goes Around Comes Around

Day 4 – What Goes Around Comes Around

I must remember that hindsight is 20/20 and you just never know what’s going to happen the next day.

After plowing through a giant steak and more than two glasses of wine last night, I fully expected that I would wake up cursing myself. But I actually felt great this morning. I got up early to get to work early enough to finish one of the tasks I was too tired to complete the day before!

We were totally out of the fruit and veggies we needed to make our lemon drink and glowing green smoothies, so I enjoyed a sinfully delicious cup of coffee. Once I got to work, my cube neighbors were talking about the Fit Republic smoothies they drink. One of them gets an employee discount and was ordering the other some protein powder over the phone. I offered to go pick it up for her since I was on my way to grab some crappy McBreakfast (and at the same time trying to fit in a random act of kindness of course). They suggested I try one of the smoothies while I was there and since I’d never been there before, I got the smoothie, a cup of tea and a shot of aloe for free!

Later, I was reading the comments from last night’s post and I got the most heartfelt and helpful insight into performing random acts. The commenter reminded me that kindness isn’t always material things – sometimes it’s just acknowledging people, or paying them an unexpected compliment. So it seems the harder I try to do nice things for other people, the more other people do nice things for me! If that’s not motivation to continue this, it don’t know what is!

1. Meditation:  I got in twenty minutes today and out of that I think I might have felt about two minutes of – I don’t even know what to call it – letting go? I listened to the spiritual chime-y mantra chanting today again. I’m not sure I’m advanced enough to start with this method. I’m going to search for some guided meditation recordings when I finish this.

2.  Gratitude:
1.  Today I am grateful for Claudia from An Idiots Kitchen who gave me the great gift of a different perspective.
2. Today I am grateful for some alone, quiet time after work where I could focus on some things I need to think about and not just react to.
3. Today I’m grateful for the warmth of the sun this late into the fall

3.  Acts of Kindness: I (somewhat selfishly) picked up some protein powder for a coworker.

4.  One good thing:  i am happy (and slightly amazed) that I woke up feeling great, and was able to get a couple of hours of deadline-ish things done in short order!

5.  Exercise:  went to lunch with friends with the express purpose of walking downtown to enjoy one of the few remaining days of warmth and sunshine. it’s a flat walk, but we walked briskly and for about a total of 20 minutes.

Thank you for reading!


  • Posted October 2, 2013 10:41 am 0Likes
    by Smalltown Me

    My random kindesses are often things no one’s going to thank me for. For example, a mess of paper towels on the floor in a public restroom? I will always pick them up and put them in the trash, and shove the rest of the trash down so there is more room. Always. I look at it like, if I leave the place a little better than when I came in, that’s a kindness to the next person.

    • Posted October 3, 2013 4:39 am 0Likes
      by lindalla

      I totally get that! In fact, Leaving something better than you found it (or at least NOT leaving a problem for someone else to fix) has been a recurring theme around here. That notion has run the gamut from something as mundane as laundry, to being the underlying text in Downtown Dad’s comments at a local civic redevelopment meeting! Good point, and thanks!

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